Automotive advancements

Top 4 automotive advancements to look forward

Ever since the first car was invented, automotive technology has forge way ahead than one could ever think of. The world of the automotive industry is constantly emerging be it the safety features, entertainment ones, or the driving features, everything is getting advanced day by day. Whether you want to buy a new car or want to exchange am old one, you must be familiar with the advancements that take place in the automotive industries.

With the rise of advancements in the vehicles, the visits to the service stations have been reduced, but even then to increase the life span of the vehicle you must take your vehicle to the best auto repair services in Brampton which offers the quality of work in minimal cost.

In keeping you updated about all the advancements breeding in the automotive industry, we have listed below some major technologies that you must look forward to in the coming years.

Autonomous Vehicle

Pay heed to the title here, we have not mentioned about the technology of being fully automated. A fully autonomous vehicle means a car being droved without any driver or any human intervention which is still under progress to be fully achieved. This technology hasn’t been hit till now, but surely in the coming years, we will experience this advancement in our cars and will be enjoying the ride of the Autonomous vehicle.

Connected Apps

We all know how smartphones have evolved in recent years, making our lives much easier. Everything around us is being connected to our mobile apps, whether it is our doorbell or the camera placed at our home, we have all the access connected with our smartphones. Similarly, the automotive industry has also changed the way of our living as now our car features are connected with our mobile devices and apps. In the coming years look for the apps that have features like locking or unlocking the car from a distance, checking gas status, or tire pressure while buying a new car. But before choosing the app, you must go through the subscription policy of the app, that whether the subscription is free or paid, and if paid what is the duration of the plan they are offering.

Biometric access

Just like the biometric technology we are using in our cell phones, soon we will also be using the biometric features in the cars and other vehicles. We have already seen a change in recent years from going keyless to automatic start of the vehicle. And Biometric access is not something that can astonish us much in the automotive industry.

Adaptive cruise control

This technology allows you to match the speed of your car with the speed of the car going ahead of you. This helps you to not hit the brakes constantly while the car in front changes its speed. This technology also has some cons, as giving this much control to the car can affect us in many ways.


So far we have seen a rapid change in the automotive industry which is benefiting and making our lives much easier. With all these above-mentioned advancements, the world of the automotive industry is gradually pacing and providing a better living to all of us.


A complete guide for brake pads that you need to know

The world of automotive systems has come a long way. Earlier, we used to mechanically operate brake shoes, now our cars consist of ABS systems which have made our lives easier. But all these components do need repairs and replacements after being operated for a long period.

The components that go through the most wear and tear are the brake pads of the car. Thus, it is always a great option to opt for Original Equipment Systems (OEM) braking systems. However, there are multiple options and it is difficult to choose the right brake pad for your car among all. Before the brake pad fully wears out it is advised to replace them to stay safe and secure. Here are major three things to consider before you choose the accurate brake pad for your car.

Understand the need to replace the brake pad:
Manufacturers of automotive systems suggest that brake pads must be replaced after they have completed about 30,000- 40,000 miles. The tires and the brakes work hand-in-hand, this is why it is advised to replace both brake pad and brake show at the same time. After you have driven about 50,000 miles there is a need to replace the brake pads for your vehicle.

The features you should look for in brake pads:
When you look to change your brake pads, you must consider the following features in your brake pad:
Performance in the different weather: Whether it is dry, cold, rainy, hot or wet, there would be no performance difficulty for the brake pads in any climate.

Friction level:
No matter what, if the brake pads are of good material, their friction the level will not be disturbed.

The lifetime:
Before buying the brake pads, you must ensure the lifetime of them. They should most likely to suffer from maximum wear and tear.

Vibration or noise:
Before buying the perfect brake pads, you must go through the noise and vibration check. So, you don’t have to deal with any major problems afterward.

Check for dust levels:
The brake pads are the major collectors of dust than the clings on the wheels. You must ensure to check for dust levels before you finalize the brake pads.

Look into different types of Brake pads:
Well, it is always a good option to opt for OEM brake pads, but before you finalize to buy the perfect brake pad for your car, you must look into the materials which are mostly used to make a brake pad:

Organic Brake pads:
These types of brake pads are built with materials like rubber, glass and Non-Asbestos Organic (NAO) that are eco-friendly and organic. They do not produce loud noises and are built of soft materials. Thus, there are greater chances of this type of brake pad to wear out easily and quickly.

Semi-metallic brake pads:
Most of the vehicle consist of semi-metallic brake pads nowadays. These comprise of metals like steel, iron, and copper from 30%to 70%. These kinds of brake pads are likely to perform better in different weather conditions and are also durable. The major disadvantage of this type is it produces more noise and dust as compared with the Organic one.

Ceramic Brake pads:
They fall under the most expensive category of brake pads built of ceramic fibres which are combined with filler materials. These are likely to last long but the drawback of this material is that they don’t work so well in the colder weather as the material with which it is made is likely to crack in the cold weather.

No matter whichever type of brake pad you decide for your car; it is essential to install the brake pads safely to reduce further risks. It is always advised to install the brake pads under professional guidance in order to omit the risks that can cause dangerous incidents in the near future. You can always count on Harrad Auto services; the best auto mechanics in Brampton for your car maintenance and its services.

Cleans frozen windshield

Signs that show that your windshield needs replacement

Anyone who looks at the car, the first and foremost thing that gazes at the eye is the windshield of the car. While driving a car on the road, the windshield is also important for visual navigation just like the engine is for your car to run. Your risk can be at high risk if you have a damaged windshield. This is why it is always advised to repair the damaged windshield or replace it with the new one.

It is quite easy to notice the big cracks on the windshield but it is very hard to see the small cracks with the naked eyes on the windshield. It is almost next to impossible to prevent these small cracks on your windshield, however, there are various measures that can help you limit the cause of windshield getting damaged.

There are people who use many DIYs to repair the windshield by themselves, but there are times when your windshield needs more than just a repair. It is always beneficial to seek guidance from the experts and then repair or replace your damaged windshield accordingly. Suggested by many car auto repair shops Brampton; here are some of the major signs that show your car windshield needs to replaced with the help of the experts.

If it is blocking your view

As soon as, you are not able to get a clear view from the windshield; you must know that it needs to be replaced. This is one of the foremost signs that you can easily detect. There is hardly anything such as chip, crack or discoloration; so if you mistake a crack on your car with that of another car then you can lead to a total loss wreck.

Cracks on the windshield

Cracks are something which is the most dangerous happening caused to your windshield. One small crack can also lead to big and hazardous incidents. Driving with a crack on the windshield can increase the risk level in a car accident. if you already know that there is a crack that exits on your windshield, you should right away need to replace it repair it.

A vehicle safety inspection test coming up

With a crack on the windshield, you might not want your vehicle to fail in the safety inspection test that is coming up.  If by any case, the inspection teams find that the view of the driver is being obstructed then you might fully fail in the safety inspection which can cause you big harm. Rather then, feeling guilty for it you should try to avoid this situation by replacing your windshield with a new one.

Chips on windshield

You might not need to fully replace the windshield just because of a small chip on your windshield. As, most of them can be repaired easily, until and unless they are not causing any trouble in the view. Although there are small they can also lead to big problems if neglected and not repaired on time.

Scratches on your windshield

Scratches don’t cause much damage to the windshields, but ignoring then for too long can lead to devastating problems that may arise in the future. In the long run, the scratches can become bigger and can shatter the entire windshield.

Any part of the windshield is missing

If you find that any part of your windshield is missing then this is signal that you must replace your windshield as soon as possible. A missing part means that any pest or insect can easily enter through the hole and can cause also make trouble for you while you are driving. So, it is advised that anytime you see a part is missing on your windshield then you must replace it.

Not fixed the previous windshield problem properly

If you notice wind noise, leak or any other installation problems just after your new windshield settles in, then you must know that you need to replace your windshield one more time.

White haze noticeable at the edges of the glass

Most of the windshields are treated with a special kind of plastic called, Poly Vinyl Butral, which ensures that in case of windshields, gets shattered, it does so into minute chunks which won’t cut the occupants or the passerby during the collision or accident. So, if you notice a white haze around the edges of the glass, know that it means the plastic has started getting separated from the glass, which is a sign that you must replace the windshield.


For riding safely and securely you need to repair or replace the required tools and machinery in your car. Proper car servicing will make your car run more smoothly and flawlessly. Repairing windshields when required is one of the major roles when you need to drive safely. So, whenever you come across any of the above-mentioned signs, you know what to do right!

muffler problems

5 major exhaust and muffler problems that your car might face

Have you ever experienced a loud rumbling sound from the back of your vehicle? Well, if yes, then you are likely to have some issues with the muffler or the exhaust system. There will be a sharp dip in the mileage if the byproducts of burning gasoline are not able to come out of the fuel system. Ignoring these problems can lead to more expensive replacements and repairs which might be a trouble maker for you in the near future.

Despite the problems that occur, it is very important to fix these certain issues especially if they are related to the exhaust and muffler of your vehicles. If you are a resident of Brampton, then you will be amazed to know that there are variant car mechanics in Brampton to help you with your vehicle problems.

Reduced fuel economy

One sign that you are facing a problem with your exhaust is a noticeable reduction in the fuel economy. Although there are various causes of this problem, it is an explicit symptom that the fuel economy is affected due to the underperformance of your car exhaust. When the exhaust is not able to perform properly then, the engine has to work harder which causes more burning of the fuel.

Slow Acceleration

If you are facing problem to accelerate even while on take-off from the standing start or have to plant your foot down deeper and deeper on the accelerator to extract power from the motor, then this is a signal that your exhaust is not working properly.

Excessive Noise of engine/ exhaust

If you are experiencing more noise than usual, then this is a sign that your muffler has been damaged or there might be cracks in the pipe. The exhaust will emit a growling kind of sound if your exhaust system has compromised anywhere. You should not ignore this sound for a number of reasons like, the performance of fuel economy will be reduced.

The stench of strong gasses

When there is a stench of strong gases coming anywhere out of your vehicle than are chances that there is a leak in the pipe or maybe the catalytic converter is broken or damaged. This problem should be overlooked immediately as these gases can leak into the car’s cabin and cause severe health issues.


There is nothing more dangerous than rust for the exhaust system. When the car is in use it burns everything and when the car is not in use, the exhaust system cools down and can attract moisture. This moisture can cause rust in the mufflers or in the end of the pipe. If you find more condensation than normal then you should take immediate action to resolve this problem.


It doesn’t matter which vehicle you drive; if in case you are facing any of the problems mentioned above you should immediately take action. After all, if your vehicle is safe, automatically you are also safe. Also, if you need to seek advice from the experts; you can always rely on Harrad Auto Services; a trusted company for best automotive services with efficient repairs and cost.

a white car right side profile

How Do You Know The Wheels Are Not Properly Aligned?

Wheel Alignment is a process of adjusting angles of wheel. The wheels might be pointed outwards, inwards or tilted to one side. When this happens it is really important to get tires realigned from a Tire Repair Shop in Brampton, so as they stay straight and make your journey smooth.

Why do you need to get wheel alignment done?

Aligning wheels is really important so that your drive is safe. There can be many reasons why the alignment gets displaced.

  1. It can be because of improper driving and not taking care of speed when driving on uneven roads.
  2. When met with an accident.
  3. When rubber bushings wear out.

How do you know your vehicle needs wheel alignment?

It is easy for a car driver to tell if tires are aligned in right direction or not. When car starts pulling to one side or when steering seems to be unbalanced and vibrating then you need to get the angles adjusted. You should always get it checked from a certified technician. People working at Wheel Alignment services in Brampton are mostly experts and have certificate of the same.

The wheel alignment process is not the same process for all. It depends on how the tire of your car as changed its angle. There are 3 possible ways in which a tire can shift from its supposed position.

  1. Toed-in or Toed-out:

When viewing from top; if wheels are pointed inwards then it is called toed-in. However, if wheels are pointed outwards then these are toed-out.

  1. Caster Angle:

Caster angle manages the stability of steering; it is viewed from side. There are two ways in which it can move, either towards driver or towards front. If it is the former case then it is call Positive Caster, if latter then Negative caster.

     3. Camber:

This angle can be checked from front of the vehicle. If the tires are tilted inwards; it is called Negative Alignment, if inclined outwards then it is called Positive Alignment of Camber.

How Wheel Alignment is done?

For adjusting angles of tire; the car is driven to a platform which is an alignment rack. Some sensors are attached to each tire. Then using computer, toe, camber and caster angles are measured. This can also be done with the help of lasers as well. Now every vehicle might not have the same angular displacement. It depends from vehicle to vehicle, for example if you drive a heavy loaded truck then its angular displacement is going to be different from an ordinary streetcar. After the whole process is done, the technician checks it and checks the suspension of vehicle along with that he or she maintains tire pressure.

Lastly it depends your driving skills and situation that when do you need to get the alignment done. There is no specific frequency. However, do pay attention when tires have worn out because then it needs replacement.

In Canada, it snows a lot due which tires do get displaced from its actual angle. However, you need not worry because in Brampton, Harrad Auto Services have team of experts who are well trained in car services. It is one of the oldest running service stations in Brampton. We have best auto mechanics who provides you auto repair service in Brampton, modification. If you think your car needs a repair or wheels are misaligned or imbalanced, drive to our station and leave with a happy face.

car is been opened for test

4 Indications That Your Car Needs Maintenance At Regular Intervals

If you are using a car and ride them in a daily routine. Then, there are times when your car needs repairing at regular intervals for proper working.  Many of you are not aware of the problems that you face in the car and need to eradicate them as soon as possible.  However, there are several issues that when arise then do not show any kind of indication and later cause malfunctioning of any major part of the car. There is a need to know about several indications that make you aware of car repair services. For this, you can seek  Car repair Brampton which offers you effective repairing services. Given below are some of the indications which let you know about the need for car repair services.

Indications that help to know about the importance of car repair services

Loud noise from vehicle

There are times when you come across loud noise coming out from your car.   You can come across whizzing and buzzing around which irritates you.  It can be due to broken car parts or problems in the transmission of the engine.   If the noise in the car is increasing day by day then you need to repair it immediately without any hassle.

Problem in gears

The gears in your car are the major source of transmission and minor irregularity in gears can cause trouble in gear.  This will indirectly cause jerking with gears and cause a problem in working in the car.  There is a need to repair your car if you find an irregularity in gears which indirectly cause irregularity in transmission.

Burning smell

When you come across burning smells in your car, then it could be due to the overheating of car parts like engines and cars.  This overheating is not acceptable as this can cause a fire in the car.  When you find any kind of burning smell you need to check the car and immediately seek car repair services.  There is a need to analyze each and every part of the car properly to avoid the burning smell of car parts.  There can be cases that minor wire can be attached and cause burning smell which can be eliminated simply by taping the wire.

If the engine does not get started

When you start your car then sometimes it does not get started easily.   If you find difficulty in starting the engine, then it may due to several minor issues that cause a problem in the engine and cause its malfunctioning.   Several reasons are there which cause improper working of the engine like spark plugs are connected properly or any wire not attached properly.  So for the proper working of the engine, you need to check the engine at regular intervals and provideregular maintenance so that it works properly.

There are several signs and indications which result in the working of a car.  Hence,  there is a need to repair your car timely before it gets too late and cause a major problem. For the best repairing of the car, you need to seek car repair Brampton services.

A White 2013 Mercedez ML 350 Diesel

Why Are Winter Tires Safer Options As Compared To All-Season Tires?

As the mercury starts to drop, the Canadians know it’s time to get the car ready for the winters. All of us indeed bundle up warm clothes – but why not our vehicles?

In this blog, we’ll share points on why you should install winter tires Brampton to enhance your security while driving in winters.

Winter tires or snow tires are designed with deep grooves and large treads to prevent snow and ice from getting packed into the casings. They assist in having a more exceptional grip on the surface of the road filled with snow. The treads and grooves provide not only better traction but also more significant braking and handling at freezing temperatures.

Difference between Winter Tires and All-Season Tires

Rubber gets hard when the temperature drops, i.e. below 7C or 45F. It means you have reduced grip on the road. In case you’re using all-season or all-winter tires, it can make you more vulnerable to accidents as compared to summers. The winter tires are designed in such a manner that its rubber stays softer at colder temperature conditions and also has more flexibility.

A winter tire performs well in the winter season. On warm roads, they wear out faster, and it’s highly recommended to swap your tires with the changing weather conditions.

Safer on winter roads

Snowy conditions are the time when winter tires Brampton shines. It is seen that on the slight inclines, the all-season tires spin fruitlessly. However, the winter tires provide a grip and keep the vehicle moving with lesser issues. Therefore, the car is probably stable when you drive on the snow with anti lock brake action.

Wet or Dry, Ice or Snow

At some places, there’s significant rainfall throughout the winter season. The winter tires provide you extra grip on the roads no matter what. You much safer with winter tires Brampton even if it’s wet or dry road condition.

Moreover, these tires provide enhanced performance by pushing water out and maintaining your grip on the road. It is advised to look for any local restriction at the time you invest in such tires. They have unique treads for better water displacement and also to grip the ice better than other tires.

Stopping Power

The braking distance is based on both the weather and road conditions. In case the roads are dry, you’ve much more time as well as you come near to a stop. In the worse weather conditions, the braking distance reduces drastically. There is no need for you to worry in the case you’ve installed winter tires. They are technically designed to avoid a crash in different circumstances.

So, you agree with the benefits of installing winter tires in Brampton? Apart from reducing the chances of your losing control, the winter tire minimizes the time and distance required to make a complete stop. You get more significant water displacement and a better ice grip, as well.

safety inspection

What Should You Know Before Choosing A Car Repair Shop

It is obvious to have a hard time finding the right car to buy. You consider a lot of things and make sure to know all the important information. You access your needs, make your budget, check latest versions, check sale, take a test drive and much more.

Sadly, you don’t pay same attention when your favorite car needs repair. After expiration of warranty period, you never care about which service center is the best to get your car repaired. A wrong choice can be cost you high because some auto repair shops keep old and cheap car parts. Here we discuss about tips to choose right tire Repair shop.

  1. Ask from your known
    Before you give the right to handle your car, you should ask from the people around you neighbors, or family or friends. They can guide you the right auto repair shop from their experiences. Asking from your trustworthy people will help you to get the honest advice.


  1. Do some online researches
    Get help of internet for checking online reviews about the repairing shops around you. i.e you can search simply by typing best tire Repair Shop Brampton on Google. You will also get to know about the good and bad about the particular shop. The reviews are based on the service people get and what experience they have.


  1. Experience matters
    It is also important to choose the auto repair shop that has a good experience. The experience to handling cars ensures they have skill to solve any kind of problem as compare to the new ones. This will give you a chance to get quality service.


  1. About the services they offer
    It is equally important to know about the variety of services they offer for your best search results. You should always go for the one who offer all repair services so you do not have to search another repair shop in future for the services they don’t offer.


  1. Check For License
    The best step in choosing the right auto repair shop is credentials. You should check if the shop has legal documentations and license to verify whether they are qualify to provide repair and maintenance services. Also, if the shop undergoes regular inspection regarding maintenance of quality standards recommend by the industry.You can save your valuable time and money by following these tips. Moreover, it is never a bad idea asking Auto Repair Shops Brampton about the price estimation. Despite it, you should ask many questions to get the idea of experience you are going to have. The type of answers from a reliable mechanic shows how professional they are.




safety inspection

How to Keep Your Car Brakes In A Good Working Condition

The most important part of the brakes of your care is safety but we don’t give enough attentions to its importance. Brakes sacrifice their life by creating huge amount of heat and friction to stop your car.

Braking put the more car weight on front wheels than rear wheels so is important to get check the front and rear Brakes in Brampton regularly before getting panic on no response on hitting brake. However, we can avoid significant repairs and extend the life of brake pads with the help of these suggestions as below:

1. Avoid sudden brake: At some point, we all have to slam on the brakes but we never have an idea what it can do our vehicle and to braking system. It is not only bad for your car but you can also lose your control on snow and wet roads and can throw you and other passengers forward. This could result in neck and brain injuries so we should avoid slamming unless it is necessary. It is better to slow down well before stopping at traffic lights or before turning to avoid the sudden stop.

2. Braking technique in mountains: Friction and heat is generated depending upon the height of the hill, which affects the brake system and other components as well. Brake fluid get hot and make the brake pedal fade. It is important to use lower gear while going up to control speed.

3. Practice Coasting: Coasting is the easy way to avoid brake killing speed. In coasting technique when you take foot off from the gas pedal, your vehicle slows down before brake naturally. But it tends to work well in situations like before turning or before the traffic light or slow traffic.

4. Avoid overloading your vehicle: Carrying only necessary items in your car will be easier on tires, gas and brakes. Overloading vehicle can have significantly impact on brake pads so it is necessary to avoid additional weight on vehicle for the better life of brakes. Weight of aftermarket products can also affect the health the brakes. Heavy boxes can place additional pressure on brakes and wear down the pads of brakes.

5. Avoid unnecessary brakes: Keeping safe distance between your vehicle and front vehicle can avoid hard braking because too many brakes causes brakes to wear. Therefore, it is not advised not to be follower on the road and limit the speed of your vehicle. If you are in area where frequent brakes are necessary then slow the speed to lessen the burden on brakes while using them. Braking system of vehicle will require more effort to stop in high speed. Speed is the enemy of brakes.

a mechanic repairing the wheel of a black BMW car

How to change car’s flat tire safely?

Flat tires and blowouts can cause a number of problems when you are traveling by road. Mostly, you need the tires to give more attention as these parts are more open to damage. As these are always in contact with the ground including jagged rocks, metals, and many other assortments of equally damaging objects.

Driving long distances can wear out your tires, causing them to go bald and give them less friction. Thus it’s important because if you are driving and try to brake too quickly your vehicle can slide or skid, hitting another car or something as catastrophic as a blowout.

You can easily spot a blowout or flat tire as you’ll feel the difference in your car immediately. One symptom of a flat tire is your car becomes shaky or it may sometimes feel like you are driving over an uneven road. If you feel that your car is getting shaky, don’t pull down on the brake, instead slow down the speed and get to the side of the road for extra safety measures. A flat tire can be dangerous if you break too hard (as it can skid to the side). If you can’t find a tire repair shop in Brampton, you should try to park your car immediately to the side.

Trying to drive with a flat tire can be dangerous for both you and the other people sharing the road with you.

Fixing a flat tire, checking the tire pressure, and inflate it can be crucial for your safety. If you know how to measure tire pressure, it can be beneficial for your wallet too as it will help in saving fuel.

Here we will explain the necessity of tire safety and help prevent flat tires. Through these steps you will also learn how to fix a flat tire if you find yourself in this situation:

Changing a flat tire:

Jack up your car after you have safely parked the car on the side of the road and out of danger:

  • Carry the necessary tools to change your tires. The tools include a spare tire, jack, and tire-iron.
  • Before you start changing the tire, make sure your car is in the park and on a leveled surface. The car shouldn’t be parked at an inclined position because it can lead to the jack not be properly fit, thus injuring you in the process. Always put on the emergency brakes to ensure safety.
  • To replace the flat tire, use tire-iron to remove all the nuts. Once the tire is in place remove the nuts and replace it with the spare tire.

Once you have removed the flat tire, the next thing you need to do is:

  • Place the spare on the wheel studs. Be cautious as the tire can be heavy.
  • Once tightened, lower the jack slowly and remove it from under the car. Make sure to tighten the tire nicely.
  • Another thing to do is check whether the tire has low pressure, if it does find a pump and fill it up.

Proper automobile care includes tire maintenance. At Best Auto Mechanic Brampton, our technicians make sure that your car’s tire has the right pressure so you won’t get in an unfortunate situation.