this picture is showing the instrument aligning the wheels of the car

Why Is Wheel Alignment So Important For Your Vehicle?

Wheel alignments are essential for the right control of your vehicle. Improper wheel or tyre alignments can lead to uneven wearing of the tyres. When your car’s wheel isn’t aligned it can further cause poor control or complete loss of control of your vehicle.

Thus, it is important that your car’s wheels are properly aligned by a professional. If the wheels of your car are out of alignment, the tyres can be pointing in a completely wrong direction or angle. This affects the steering and the suspension of the vehicle and can greatly affect the safety of the passengers.

Wheel alignment in Brampton can significantly increase the life of your tyres. An alignment is needed overtime because driving causes car’s steering and suspension systems to push further causing the ball & socket joints and mechanical links to wear out. This causes the alignment to deflect from the factory setting and if not improved can lead to poor cornering and handling, making the tyres wear out.

What is a Wheel Alignment?

To function properly, vehicle relies on precision and if tyres become misaligned due to road conditions or rash driving, the wheels loses proper displacement as well as the alignment.

The process of alignment varies according to the type of vehicle you may have. Your car wheel suspension has a completely different alignment process and will not be the same as that of a food truck (as this is used for heavy loads only). Thus, it is important that you get your wheel alignment done only by professional technicians with proper alignment equipment. The technicians must be expert and certified by the automaker. Before getting the wheels alignment service in Brampton, make sure that the repair centre has a piece of equipment specifically for the vehicle.
Unaligned wheel can cause:

• Toe- When the edges of the tyre points towards each other, then the wheels are said to be toed-in. However, if the edges are pointed in opposite directions or away from each other, then the tyres are said to be toe-out. The value of the toe is expressed in degrees and this will affect the vehicle’s: tyre wear, stability, and corner entry.

The wheels should always be pointing ahead so that the car runs a straight line. This also slows down the tyre wear and power loss. If the tyres are toed-in it causes accelerated wear at the outboard edges and tyres toed-out causes accelerated wear at the inboard edges. A zero toe isn’t recommended either as this can greatly impact the directional stability. In the wheel alignment procedure, the amount of toe-in or toe-out depends on the suspension and the handling of your car. For example- A streetcar will have a greater toe-in than that of a race car because the former requires more static.

• Caster- This happens when the steering pivot is tilted from vertical. Your car can have either a positive caster (Happens when the axis is tilted backward) or a negative caster (when the axis is tilted backward). When the car has a positive caster, the vehicle tend pulls toward the side causing the steering to be heavy. With the negative caster, your car will wander off freely and you’ll have a hard time keeping it straight.

To visualize caster, think of a shopping cart wheel. The wheels of the cart are a pivot in an angle when it moves behind it has a positive caster and when you push the cart forward, the caster is set to a negative. Unbalanced caster indicates something is worn out and needs to be replaced.

• Camber- This is an angle which is vertical to the wheel and can be viewed from the front or the rear of the car. The car has a negative camber when the wheel leans towards the chassis and has a positive camber when it leans away from the car. Camber depends on the driving style and the condition of your vehicle.

Although wheel alignment seems expensive it prevents serious accidents and increases the life of your car. Getting wheel aligned by Harrad Auto Service will ensure your car remains safe.

How to Make Your Tire Last Longer?

A worn out tire can be dangerous, thus it is important to be aware of the actual age of the tires so you remember when to replace them.

Another thing to remember is that rubber ages and as it ages, the quality deteriorates as well. So, buying new tires doesn’t necessarily means that it has been produced recently.

Causes of tire aging

Aging is a destructive effect of time and is an unavoidable process. One of the main cause of tire aging is oxidation. The rubber stiffens when it comes in contact with air and can start cracking. The tires age from the inside out and can lead to blown up tire, damaged wheel and in some cases a crashed vehicle. Thus, it is imperative to be aware of your tires’ age and inspect them regularly.

Although many manufacturers claim that their tires can be used safely for 4-10 years, there are a few factors to consider that can speed up the process of oxidation. These are:

Oxygen concentration- This is the main cause of the problem. A higher oxygen concentration leads to faster tire aging. Thus, a mounted tire will age faster as supposed to the stored one.

The quality of the inner liner– The quality of butyl rubber compound determines the longevity of the tire.

Usage– The constant usage causes wear and tear and speeds up the aging process.

Heat– High temperature can also increase oxidation as it increases the permeability of the rubber.

One thing to keep in mind here is that whatever the numbers you see in regards of life expectancy of the tire is just an estimate. As many factors affect the aging process, it is impossible to predict the exact time to change the tires. It is important to inspect your tires every few months for regular maintenance.

How to prevent tire damage

Taking good of tires can make your tires last longer. Thus, regular maintenance and preventive measures can be made.

Drive carefully– Being reckless on the road can greatly affect the age of your tire. Avoiding extreme speed and sudden break as it can boosts oxidation thus decreasing the life of your tire.

Use the right tire– There are different tire for different season for to a reason. A summer tire can be disastrous if used during the snowfall or in winters. The extreme temperature can be harsh for the tires life as well.

Store tires properly– As the tire can age even when not mounted, it is imperative to at least keep them in good conditions to slow down the aging process.

According to manufacturers, tires should last for 60000-70000 kilometers or about 4 to 5 years of regular use. However, as the rubber ages, various external factors greatly affect the estimated time of the tires. A regular inspection can help you understand exactly how long your tire will last.

Getting your tires inspected every few months by a professional can help you determine how long will they last. Visit Harrad auto services for all your auto repair queries in Brampton.


5 Signs that your Car Needs a Transmission Repair

Image result for car transmissionIf you drive your car long enough, it will need transmission repair at some point in time. This can be anything from transmission being serviced, rebuilt or replaced and depends on how much has the car been driven.

Fortunately, your car will indicate when it needs a check-up and transmission flush. Here are a few warning signs your car needs a transmission repair:

1. Problem with Gear Shifting – Whether you drive an automatic or manual, your car’s gears are an integral part of the transmission. A clean transmission fluid is required so that it flows without any issue throughout the car’s transmission. If you are having a hard time shifting gears, then it is certain that your car is in trouble. If your car’s gear shifts abruptly or jerks during the gear shift or the gear falls out while driving, your car needs a transmission flush. If you have a manual transmission vehicle, gear shifting will be next to impossible with a contaminated fluid.

2. Slipping Gears – A dirty transmission or a lack of transmission fluid can cause a decrease in hydraulic power. Only when transmission develops appropriate pressure the gear will stay put. The contaminants of a dirty transmission will interfere with the flow of the fluids. However, if the transmission fluid is full and you have no other problems, the issue may lie with the restricted fluid flow.

If you face this problem, your car needs a transmission repair service.

3. Unusual Noises – When your car begins producing noises, check your transmission fluid level. Keep an eye on the color of the transmission fluid, the color should be bright red and not brown or black. If the fluid level of the transmission is full and your car still produces unusual noises, your car needs a transmission flush.

4. Surging of your Car – If the transmission fluid is at a low level or is contaminated, you can notice an unexplainable surging of your car. A dirty or inadequate amount of transmission fluid can cause your car to jump or surge forward and fall back. Thus for a smooth operation of the gears, clean transmission fluid is needed.

5. Leaking Transmission Fluid – If you see a fluid leakage from your car, you need to immediately take your car to an auto repair shop. Your car’s transmission fluid leaking does not mean it is going bad but if this remains unchecked it can cause damage in the longer run.


How to Pass Car Safety Inspection?

You take your car everywhere, for your work or for a short family vacation. Taking care of your car is important if you don’t want to wind up in an inspection station. It is essential to keep your machine in a decent shape to avoid accidents.
Not to face any trouble with your car (or the law), and to save your time as well, here are a few things you check  yourself:

Light: To avoid any kind of accident, being visible is important. Check whether your headlights, tail lights, directional signals, and hazard flashers are working.

Steering: The belt that runs the power steering pump should be in good condition. The power steering system must be checked for leaks. If you hear a “clunk” when you turn the steering, it should be replaced immediately.

Brakes: Check if the brake line is left on the pads of all the four wheels. The brake pedal when depressed should feel firm but not hard. Check the master cylinder for leaks, if there are any leaks the hydraulic pressure will fail to function. Also, test whether the brakes can hold your vehicle’s weight on an inclination.

Fuel System: Check all the fuel line if you smell gasoline. Check to see if there’s a crack in the rubber hoses or rust in the steel lines. It is important to get the fuel system checked to avoid any accidents.

Tires and Wheels: Tire treads improve contact with the road and don’t let your car skid during rain or snow. Check if the treads are deep enough and make sure you don’t see any steel belting. The tires shouldn’t have any dry rotting or cracks. Replace wheels if you see any corrosion.

Windows and Windshield: The windows should work with an ease and without any jerks. The windshield should be free cracks or it can impair the visibility of the driver. Also, carry a small hammer or seatbelt cutter to escape if the vehicle’s electrical system fails.

Exhaust System: A leak in the exhaust system can cause poisonous carbon monoxide to leak. This poisonous gas can cause suffocation if ingested. Check for holes in the system.

Seat, Seatbelts and Airbags: The seats should not feel rickety. The seatbelts shouldn’t be frayed and the airbag system lights should not stay on after startup.

Engine compartment: There shouldn’t be any oil leaks from the engine or transmission. If not checked, this leak can cause a fire.
If you find this checklist time consuming, don’t worry. Visit Harrad Auto Services for your car inspection in Brampton.

driving tips in winters

Car Maintenance Checklist for Winter Driving

Getting winter ready to avoid any mishaps during a snowstorm is essential. Although, safety is an all-year-long process but there are some specific safety checks for winter tires so you can avoid getting stuck knee-deep in the season.

To enjoy the holiday season without shaking the budget, have a look under the hood to be sure everything is well-kept. It is a great time to get your auto maintenance tasks for a safe drive.

Winter can be troublesome for your car’s system. The salted roads, freezing temperatures, heavy snowfall, and precipitation can cause the car system to stop. To avoid any mishaps during winter season follow best Winter tires inspection services in Brampton.

• Change your Engine oil

Changing oil should be done at least monthly. Most people ignore oil when it comes to winter vehicle maintenance but this is the right time to switch to synthetic oil rather than the conventional. Synthetic oil doesn’t have to warm up and can flow freely at lower temperatures. Thus, synthetic oil provides an immediate protection to the moving parts of the engine. If you still aren’t sure about a complete switch, try a synthetic blend. Check with the vehicle manufacturer or your mechanic to know more which oil is right for your vehicle.

• Check your Antifreeze

Antifreeze is an essential part of your car’s winter protection. The liquid present in the engine’s cooling system is composed of 50% water and 50% antifreeze. The antifreeze can be either propylene glycol or ethylene glycol, depending on the brand. As the name suggests, antifreeze prevents the water from freezing, expanding or causing any damage to the engine. Take your vehicle to the mechanic to measure if you have the appropriate amount of antifreeze.

• Inspect your Tires

Roads during the winters tend to get slippery, so it is vital to take a look at your tires. The treads should be sufficiently deep for a safe drive. If you have snowfall in your area, invest in winter tires rather than all-weather tires. The fall in temperature causes low pressure. Low-pressure tires wear faster, increases fuel consumption and can reduce handling.

• Ensure the Visibility

The uncertain condition can get intimidating and if you can’t see where you are going then it can be quite dangerous. Make sure your lights are working and replace any faulty bulbs. Replace your windshield wipers with winter blades and make sure the windshield washer tank has nothing but de-icing fluid.

• Battery Maintenance

Test your battery and replace it immediately if it’s weak. For the colder regions, keep the battery attached to a maintainer or trickle charger. Also, you can prevent power draws by disconnecting the battery when the vehicle is not in use.

Winter tires safety inspection should be a concern for anyone living in a cold climate.