Winter Car Maintenance service in Brampton

Winter Car Maintenance Tips For Your Car To Last Longer!

Winter is coming! The saying of house stark is affirming true. In Canada, summers are about to end, and winters are approaching near. Changing season divulges drivers to anticipate when driving in winters. Furthermore, this season is challenging and testing for a car – which demands vehicle owners to be prepared with the machinery to overcome this grueling season. To add, vehicle owners, can also hire a professional for car repair service in Brampton to become winter ready!

Here we have a checklist which includes maintenance tips to keep the car in a healthy state:

    • Check For Fluids- First and foremost, ensure all the fluids are clean and replenished for the proper functioning of the machinery. For example: if the coolant is old i.e. close to 5 years, advisable to get it to change.
    • Swap To Winter Tires- To make your car winter-ready install tires specially designed for winter conditions. And, they are flexible to have good control over the car. Moreover, after installing the tires, do check the proper balance, pressure, and wheel-alignment.
    • Check Hoses And Breaks- Winters can be very harsh which demands vehicle thorough inspection. From professional have the hoses, brakes, suspension, pads, and belts checked for the proper functioning of the car. Moreover, the roads in winter can cause serious suffering to the vehicle braking system. Thus, ensure your vehicle brakes are in good shape.
    • Fresh Coolant – Another crucial aspect for winter is to check the vehicle’s coolant level. To avoid rust and collision congestion on the cooling system its recommended to wield fresh coolant in winters.
    • Good Wiper Blades– If you feel your old wipers are showing signs of damage then before winters it is advisable to replace them to get clear visibility. Additionally, after a few days do check the wipers for cracks and damage.
    • Have A Look At Lights System – Lights are often overlooked by car owners. Howbeit, they ask for monthly maintenance. Low beam, high beam, reverse light, and signal lights through check are must for the safe and proper functioning of the vehicle.
    • Battery Check– Canada’s winters can be harsh on battery and they tend to get degrade faster. It is recommended to visit the Auto repair service professional mechanic to test the condition of the battery. And, if a replacement is required – replace it there and then only! On average battery lasts for close to five years. Furthermore, as per the golden rule for driving if the performance issue is there change the battery after three years.
    • Close Look At Oil Filters– At the time of replacing oil you should also replace oil filters. They are vital for your engine longevity as they safeguard the engine from dirt and harmful pollutant that can clog or damage the machinery. And, for the smooth running of the car ensure they are in a clean state.
    • Opt For Washer Fluid– As said earlier, winters in Canada can go up to -40 C so water should never be used for wipers instead use washer fluid to hold against harsh cold conditions.
    • Handy Emergency Kit- Prevention is better than cure- If your car breaks down suddenly in a snowstorm or you got stuck in the middle of nowhere. Then, it’s better to carry an emergency kit loaded with basic stuff such as flashlights, candles, lighter, snow brush, reflectors, shovel, and thick blankets.


  • Conclusion

    Driving a car in winters can be a taxing task for drivers and can take a serious toll on the car’s health. Hope with the above-mentioned tips your vehicles run smoothly in harsh conditions. If you are looking for highly trained and professional car mechanics in Canada look no further! Harrad Auto Services is the best auto repair service provider in Brampton for offering world-class repair services.

Car in winters

Tips to drive safely in the winters

Driving in snow during the winter season is not an easy task. If you are planning to enjoy the perks of this amazing season, then you must know how to safely drive on the roads that are filled with snow and ice. Else, if the weather becomes worse, then you must postpone the plan until the situation goes normal. But wait, why postpone such plans when you can take precautions to enjoy your ride? 

There is no denial in the fact that winters bring a lot of challenges and problems with it for the drivers, whether the seasoned or the fresher ones. various things should be kept in mind while driving on snowy roads. the first and foremost thing is to alter the all-seasoned tires with the winter tires. It is always better to be safe than sorry; this is why most of Canadians opt for winter tire installation to stay safe and secure. If you are looking to install winter tires for your vehicle, then you can rely on various car repairing services in Brampton who offers the best services at affordable prices. 

It is advised to stay off the roads that are covered with snow although, it is not possible to do so. Therefore, we have mentioned some of the major tips that will help you stay safe and ride safely on snowy roads. Let us take a glance at these simple tips:

Switch to winter tires:

To prevent slipping and sliding you need to first switch your all-season tires to winter tires. It is suggested because the all-season tires don’t have that much grip and control to run on wet or snow-filled roads. There are high chances of sliding on snowy roads with all-season tires. Whereas, the winter tires reduce the high degree chances ion sliding off the roads in winters.

Make sure to defrost the windows:

People often think that not defrosting the windows in the winters is okay. But this neglecting can lead to a very dangerous situation. Take a minute to defrost your windows. You must also clean the top of the car as snow can slide down and cause obstruction for you while you are driving.

Prepare a safety kit for your car:

Keeping a safety kit all around the season is good, but while driving in the winter season, it becomes mandatory to have a safety kit in your car. you must ensure to have materials like warm clothing, hat, gloves, candles, and many such things which might be required on your journey. You should always stay prepared for the worst situation you can ever think of.

Maintain a distance:

One of the major dangers that you might experience in the winters is the other drivers, who are either inexperienced or do not have the winter tires installed. To avoid falling prey to any hazardous situation, you must keep your vehicle at a safe distance. The distance between the vehicles will ensure not getting hit if you lose control over the brakes. 

Check the road and the weather conditions beforehand:

Before starting your journey, you must check for the weather and the road conditions. By doing, so you will be able to avoid falling into a dangerous situation which can even cost your life. You also must always have a backup plan for your ride. It is always a better option to have an alternative plan before you start your journey.

Final Words:

We know the winter season is full of uncertainties, and we can’t eliminate the risks 100%, but we can still take precautions and measures to avoid falling prey to any unwanted hazard. The above-mentioned tips will make a huge difference and helps you be safe and secure. Along with these, you also need to inspect and regularly maintain your vehicle. And if you are looking for winter tire installation in Brampton, then you can count on Harrad Auto Services, which provides the best car repairing services in Brampton at a minimum price with maximum quality. 

Tips while buying used car

Top 7 Tips To Follow When Buying A Used Car

Buying a used car is like going for a scavenger hunt. In today’s technology-driven market, you may end up with a surprisingly good deal as the internet is engulfed with car shopping tools. Moreover, there are a plethora of benefits to investing in a used car, such as save money on registration, taxes, and depreciation. However, one needs to do good homework first to make an informed decision for buying a used car. Do not worry! We have got you covered. Below is the comprehensive list of tips that need to follow to make this daunting process a breeze.

Decide on Budget
First and foremost, figure out the budget you will be investing in the used cars. Buying a used car means unlocking the doors for other expenses such as insurance fees and license fees. Plus, follow the golden rule – ‘spending only 20%’ of your current salary for used cars. Additionally, one needs to make a rational decision of either obtaining the vehicle out of loan or by paying the cash. Moreover, used car demands for maintenance– be prepared with some “additional hidden costs” you may come up in the future.

Check out the best Car Repair Service Brampton for professional services:

Extensive Research
The Thumb rule for any purchase is to do extensive research and apply the same for a used car. Look out for the cheapest cars, their functionality, and compare their prices. For instance: you want a family car with enough legroom or safety is your priority, or something sporty or a hybrid one because you are planet conscious. Then it is recommended to consider all these aspects along with budget, mileage, and other decisive factors to finalize a car.

Buying from Dealer or Private Seller
If you opt for a dealership, they usually have a host of options, and cars will be in mint condition- thus making them expensive in comparison with private sellers. Additionally, dealership proffers certified pre-own cars with complete history report inclusive of insurance records, registration details, and accident background. And, if you opt for the private seller, then there is no lucidity what you get- chances of treachery rise with a private seller. Where as buying a used car in a dealership will be under industry rules and regulations. So the chance of getting scammed is low!

Explore the Web
In this era of technology, everything is available on the internet – the used car being no exception. There are many websites such as – eBay Motors, True Car, and Craigslist that offer outstanding options for used car inventories at a fair price. Moreover, shopping for the car in the comfort of home is convenient, and getting the lowest price is a bonus. However, the other side of the coin is there is no safety and protection from fraudster sellers. So, one ought to be very prudent when shopping online.

Test Drive Is Must
About 20-30% of buyers of used cars do not go for a test drive. And the statistic is different for new car buyers – they test drive at least 7 to 8 cars before finalizing the deal. It is imperative and crucial for a used car buyer to go for a test trial at least 30-40 minutes for a thorough examination of the machine. There are myriads of factors to consider when navigating the automobile like doors are easy to access when opening and closing, whirl the car to listen to breaks and engine sound, check the system for climate control, and navigation system is working properly. Further, to inspect the suspension breaks, and transmission go for a challenging ride on the road. At last, check for the parking space that is of the exact size of your garage- this will ensure that motor one intending to buy has ample space in the garage.

Probe History
Investigating the history of the secondhand car is often neglected by the used car owners. Howbeit, one should always ask for a complete vehicle history report to get useful insight on many things like who owns the car, why the owner selling it, how frequently the ownership has been changed, etc. These crucial pointers will bestow that buyer to make an informed decision. For instance, in a short duration car has changed hands then it can be a cause to raise an eyebrow- may be an issue with the repair. Similarly, no emission record signals car is illegal. It is highly recommended to undertakes these pivotal aspects before making a secondhand car purchase.

Time To Hire A Mechanic
Once you have settled for the car it’s better to hire professionals to inspect the car. There are some bespoke garages such as Harrad Auto Service holding expertise in the car inspection in Brampton; they keep an eye on key details such as paint over spray’s, cloning scam, or clocking fraud. Plus, this investment is worth as you will get a clear picture of the inside and outside of the car. Are you looking for exceptional wheel alignment service in Brampton? No further searches now, just visit Harrad Auto Service to get solutions for all your vehicle problems!

Power Steering wheels

Major Reasons of steering wheels not turning smoothly

The steering system of any vehicle is one of the most important components, without which the vehicle moves only in a straight direction. Various problems are concerned with the steering system that a driver may face while driving. One of the biggest problems is; when it becomes hard to turn the steering wheel, especially when the vehicle is at low speed. This problem can put you at high risk and can affect the vehicle also.

The steering system is built up of variant parts, each of which serves a specific purpose. Any damage to any of the components can cause difficulty to the driver and can also risk the life of the driver as well as the members riding the vehicle. Therefore, it is important to understand the major causes behind the steering wheels’ stiffness and how it can be fixed. Delayed service or lack of maintenance are some major causes of the steering wheel not able to move swiftly. This is why most of the car repair services in Brampton suggest regular maintenance of the car and other components of the vehicle.

To help you understand the reasons for the stiff steering wheel, we have mentioned some major causes for the same. Also, we have listed below some of the major tips to fix the issue.

Let’s discuss step causes first:

Leakage in steering fluid

The steering fluid helps in the proper functioning of the steering system. Thus, it will get very difficult to work properly if there is any leakage in the steering fluid. The leakage usually takes place when the pressurized hose area gets loosened or develops a leak. Due to an insufficient amount of lubrication in the steering system, it becomes difficult for the steering wheel to function smoothly, therefore the steering it gets quite difficult for the driver to turn the steering wheels in such a situation.

Thick Steering fluid

Lubrication in the steering system is very important as it helps in the easy working of all the other components. With time, the fluid is obvious to collect dirt and debris, which causes the fluid to become thick. This tricked fluid further causes problems such as restricting the flow of the fluid while turning the vehicle swirly and easily.

Adverse/ Worsen steering rack

The steering rack is adjoined to the wheel through a set of shafts and U-joints. Due to everyday driving, the shafts and the U-joints tend to get worsen and the steering wheel gets damaged. In case you experience stiff steering right after you start the car, then this is a sign that there is a problem with the steering rack. The steering wheel will work freely, once you keep driving, as the rack gets hotter as the engine ignites and allows the lubricant to get settled. You must ensure to replace the steering rack before it gets more damaged.

Failure of the steering pump

The working of the power steering pump is very important as it produces the amount of pressure that helps the steering wheel to work smoothly and swiftly. In case, the pump stop working, then this will become very difficult for the vehicle to turn especially at a slow speed because eventually speed gets reduced while turning the vehicles.

Let us now discuss how to fix these issues related to the steering wheel not working smoothly:

Check for the fluid levels:

This is suggested because the inadequate amount of the fluid makes it difficult for the steering components to freely work without causing any issue. This further results in the stiffness of the steering wheel and thus it becomes hard to easily move the steering.

Check the steering pump properly:

It is always advised to inspect the steering pump properly, if you find any damage, then you must ensure to repair or replace it on time before it worsens and causes risk while you drive the vehicle.


No matter what, once in your driving journey, you might experience this situation, where it becomes very hard for you to turn the steering wheels especially at a slow speed. This is why it is always a better move to keep a regular check on all the components of your vehicle so that the situation doesn’t get worst. Also, major damages include huge costs, so to prevent it is always good to take your vehicle for the best auto repair services in Brampton just like Harrad Auto Services.

6 Tips to avoid hydroplaning and how to prevent it

6 Tips to avoid hydroplaning and how to prevent it

Have you ever experienced a skid while driving your vehicle on a rainy day or on a wet road? In case you have experienced it, this is commonly known as Hydroplaning. Hydroplaning means when the vehicle skids across the wet roads. It occurs when the water on the road causes the tires to not function properly and can impact the loss of steering and the brakes.

One must understand why Hydroplaning is so dangerous and how can they prevent it in order to stay safe while driving. In order to help you out, we have mentioned below some of the major ways to avoid hydroplaning and how to handle it in case you experience hydroplaning.

Let’s discuss what are the preventive methods that you can consider to avoid hydroplaning:

Limit the speed

It is suggested by most professionals that hydroplaning takes place when the speed is high. Thus, it’s a good option to drive at a very slow speed as soon as you find that it is about to rain. The higher the speed will be of the vehicle, the more the damage will be experienced by you. This is the reason why car repairs service in Brampton ensures to suggest to limit the speed during the rainy season.

Rotate your car wheels on a regular basis

It is very important to maintain the car on a regular basis in order to keep it away from any major damage or wear or tear. Rotating the car wheels regularly not only makes the wheels run smoother but also enhances the durability of the wheels. In order to avoid hydroplaning on wet roads, it is very important to balance the car wheels over time you visit the repair service station for an oil change.

Avoid Cruise control

No doubt, using a cruise control system is quite suitable, but it doesn’t alert the driver about the speed and control of the vehicle. it is advised to avoid the usage of cruise control systems on wet roads or during the rain.

Avoid sudden brakes

Sudden brakes at the time of the rain can damage the braking system. this is why it is suggested to slowly release the foot from the accelerator while stopping.

Make use of properly inflated wheels

It is obvious that after driving for a few miles, tires tend to lose their pressure and cannot drive carefully; This is why it is important to make use of inflated tires. This is the reason that car inspection in Brampton fully inspects the tires and repairs them if required. You should also inspect the air pressure of the tires on your own in order to eliminate any major risk of losing the grip.

Avoid driving in the area where water is more accumulated

Areas which are prone to collect standing water, try to avoid driving at those areas. So, you must avoid driving in those areas where water accumulation is more.

What to do to handle hydroplaning?

  • The first thing you should do is to stay calm and slowly drive the vehicle as sudden braking or speeding can cause high risks.
  • Must keep your foot away from the accelerator to avoid further accidents.
  • Steer the car in the direction of the skidding; it will help in raging the control of the vehicle.


Hydroplaning is a situation that can take place even if it has just started to rain; this is why knowing how to handle and prevent it is very important. With the above-mentioned tips; hope you will be able to deal with the situation when it arrives. It is very important to stay calm and perform the required steps in order to eliminate further accidents. Maintaining your car wheels is also important so that it remains inflated and runs smoother on the roads. If you are looking for any car repair service in Brampton, then you must visit Harrad Auto Repair services, who provides world-class car repair services.

5 Major tips to avoid scratches from your car

5 Major tips to avoid scratches from your car

Most people think that cars represent their personality and give their best to keep the car well-maintained and spotless. But, we have to admit that no matter how protective we are about our vehicles; they tend to get scratches and dents on it. Although there is no complete prevention of the car getting scratched, you can still take some measures to protect the car’s paint going off so that; you don’t need to pay frequent visits to the car repair services. However, in case of serious troubles, it is suggested to take it to the car repair services in Brampton.

A spotless and dent-free car is not only a treat to the eyes, but it also increases the value of the car in the market. There is no way that you can look after your car 24X7, so here we have mentioned some of the major tips to avoid scratches to ruin your car’s appearance.

Wash your car with hands & dry the car

We know, in this busy world, you hardly have time to wash the car all by yourself. But, if you do have time, it is best that you can give to your car. Hand washing and drying the car is one of the smartest ways to reduce the car from getting scratched. You can use a cotton cloth to wash the car. You should make sure that the products you are using to wash the car can be applicable and recommended. Make sure to use non-detergent products as they won’t affect the wax to come out.

Must polish your car occasionally

As you groom yourself to look good, the same should be done with the car. In order to make to look brand-new and good all the time, you must often polish your car or wax it. Wax is one of the most essential parts which helps in grooming your car as it adds a layer of protection on the car’s body and protects it from scratches. It also reduces the spot to get noticed easily and behaves like an exterior shield of your car.

Select a smart area to park

While parking your car in the public areas, you should always choose a space wisely for your car. Security is one of the most essential requirements for you as you have to spend thousands and thousands to buy your car. Parking at a safer area will reduce the risk of the car getting damaged by any of the external factors. Also, you must avoid, to park your car beside a vehicle which is not parked correctly or forcefully. You should also not park your car under the low-hanging shrubs as they can also cause great damage to the car.

Protect the car by a car cover

Covering your car with a car cover is one of the best measures to protect the car from the scratches. If you are one of those who have to park their vehicle outdoors quite often, then shielding your car with a cover will do wonders for your car. Leaving your car at the public places might become dangerous sometimes, however, covering your car can protect it from elements that can ruin your car’s look as well as value.

Repair rust and scratch ASAP

Even after all the hard work, you were not able to avoid scratch or rust then, it is suggested to take action as soon as you see them. Rust in a smaller area might not affect but with the passage of time, it will get bigger and can fully change the car’s look. So it is always advised to act as soon as you see a scratch or rust on your car by taking the car to the best auto mechanics in Brampton.


A car that looks good is not only pleasing to the eyes but it also adds value in the market. whether you want to sell it or not, a well-maintained car will always help you in saving lots of money and reduce the repairing cost. The above-mentioned points will somehow ensure to prevent the scratches. Even if you can’t fix the problems all by yourself, then it is always advised to seek professional help from Harrad Auto Services, one of the best and affordable auto mechanics in Brampton, which offers you the best car repair services in minimal time with maximum quality.

Gasoline Drop

6 Ways to enhance the fuel efficiency of your vehicle

Every vehicle owner is getting more concerned about the fuel as the prices of the fuels are getting higher day by day. The lofting prices of petrol and diesel are forcing people and automotive companies to look for various other alternatives to fuel. Therefore, until any alternative becomes effective and exists as the mainstream fuel alternate, it is very important to look for measures that can help in increasing the gas mileage of the car.

Increasing fuel economy is not only helpful for saving money but it also benefits the environment by limiting the release of emissions into the air. Although there are many methods to improve gas mileage when we drive, people are generally unfamiliar and don’t know exactly how can they improve the gas mileage. Here we have mentioned some of the major ways to improve the car’s gas mileage which will not only save your pocket but will also save the environment.

Let’s have a sneak peek of these major ways:

Limit the weight
You must be wondering how come excess weight can harm the gas mileage. But, you will be astonished to know that carrying heavy loads can adversely affect the working of the front wheels. It will become very hard for the front wheels to perform well with heavyweight which could ultimately result in the reduction of the gas mileage. Therefore, it is better to limit the weight in order to improve gas mileage.

Change spark plugs or air filters
We all know that maintaining your car is very important. thus, it is suggested to while the routine auto check-up, you must consider top alter the spark plugs or air filters to drive smoothly and safely. This will also lessen the fuel emission and help the engine to burn efficiently. You can also rely on professional car maintenance in Brampton for replacing your spark plugs, which offers a quality of work at a minimal cost.

Drive below or at the speed limit
Did you know that high speed kills gas mileage the most? Most of the vehicles do not burn gas efficiently above 60mph. Driving at slow speed helps the gas to burn efficiently and also keeps the engine smooth for a longer period. It is always advised by the automotive centers to drive at a slow speed as not all cars are built for the F1 race.

Inflate the tires to accurate pressure
While you make a routine car check-up to the service station, never forget to inflate the tires to the recommended air pressure in the owner’s manual. As the low inflated tires can affect the engine to use more gas and can reduce the gas mileage of the vehicle. Even if you can’t find the under-inflation of the tires with your naked eyes, it is always a good move to check for the tire pressure to reduce any kind of uncertainty.

Stick to the recommended motor oil
Motor oil helps in the easy movement of the engine. And using a motor oil other than that of the recommended one can definitely cause a negative effect on the engine. This is why it is always suggested to use the motor oil for your car’s engine which is recommended. using a heavier motor oil than of the recommended will make your fuel burn more and thus it will affect in the reduction of the gas mileage.

Make sure that gas cap is fully sealed
It is common to experience a breakdown of the gas cap after driving the car for many years. The brakeage allows air to enter the tank and causes excess burning of the engine. Therefore, to avoid this situation, you must make sure that the gas cap is properly sealed and that there is no breakage in it. If there is any breakage, you must replace the gas cap to avoid excess burning of the gas mileage.

In order to improve the gas mileage, you must consider the above-mentioned tips which will limit the excess burning of the gas. Other than following these simple and easy steps, it is also important to keep a regular check of your car and maintain it properly to increase the durability of the car. Taking help from experts just like Harrad Auto Services is one of the easiest ways to maintain your vehicle. They offer world-class car repair services in Brampton without compromising the quality and at an affordable cost.

maintain your vehicle

Why it is so important to maintain your vehicle?

As COVID-19 has hit the world with massive destruction people owning vehicles are also facing various problems. Although we are trying to accept the ‘New Normal’ that demands every individual to stay inside the homes, wear masks, and maintain social distancing. But, there are various other factors that are being affected directly or indirectly.
Remaining house-bound is also affecting our vehicles. People are getting back to their normal routines which are helping their vehicles to no longer stay parked at home. However, there are a huge number of vehicles that are still standing in the garage unused.
As most of our vehicles are spending more time on the driveway than on the roads, there are more risks that can affect the car and may require auto repair services quite often. So, if you have car parked insurance, then in most cases your car will remain covered. Well, this house-bound has also affected us in a good way as we have ample full of time to maintain the vehicles.
But before discussing the maintenance tips let us know the importance of car maintenance :
Importance of car maintenance 
We know that you have contributed a huge amount to buy the vehicle; so not maintaining it can lead to a complete loss of the vehicle which is more likely to worn out if they are kept unused. The damages can vary accordingly, there could be damage in the brake system or there might be a need for an oil change if the vehicle is kept untouched for a longer duration. Thus, in order to eliminate huge costs on repairing or replacing the vehicle’s components, it is always better to maintain the vehicle timely.
Tips to maintain your vehicle timely:
Give it a start once a week at least We know you are stuck inside our homes and cannot plan a long route journey. But you can ignite your engine at least once a week so that it doesn’t get damaged fully. Starting your vehicle
will help the engine to stay active and even if you are not allowed to take your car for a ride, the engine will still run smoothly.
Safeguard the battery
As mentioned above, starting the engine once a week will boost the working process of the engine as well as it will also uplift the battery’s performance. A car’s battery gets charged when the engine is ignited and when you start the car, not only the engine or the battery but the other components of the car also works properly.
Look out for the electrical connections or wires
If your car is standing in the garage for a long time now, then there is a high possibility that the electrical wires might have been attacked by rodents present in the garage. If this happens, then there would be a fluid leak or electrical connections that might not work when started. To check for any electrical damage, you just need to open the hood and check thoroughly for any damage. Also, you can place naphthalene balls to restrict the entry of rodents.
Oil Change
An oil change is one of the most important factors to look for if your car isn’t in action for long. As the vehicle was not in action for long, there is a high degree possibility that dirt or sludge can get corrode and damage the engine. So it is always advisable to keep changing the oil and also check for its levels frequently.
Keep a check on the brake pads
Brake pads are more likely to get rusted if the car is standing idly in your home. If the car is standing at an open place then it is more likely to attract dust, dirt, and filth. This can further cause trouble to you while you are trying to apply the brakes. In case there is dirt in the brake pads you will also hear some grinding sound, by which you can estimate that there is a need to change the brake pads.
Look out for the fuel pump
When the car is not on use for a long time, the fuel pump is more likely to break down. Because fluids in the car only flow when the engine is running, thus, if the car is not been used for a long period, then there are chances that the fluid pump might have been damaged. Therefore, you must lookout for any damage that might have caused the fuel pump.
It is suggested to keep your vehicle in a good shape even during these tough times which is lead by the COVID-19. Maintaining the vehicle will help in increasing the vehicles’ durability. You can follow the tips mentioned above to ensure that even at the time when your car is standing, it is free from any damage. It is always a wise move to seek guidance from professionals just like Harrad Auto Services in Brampton, who provides world-class auto repair services.
car heater

5 Signs that says your heater core is damaged

Imagine it is chilled winter morning and you just turned on your car’s heater, but after waiting for a minute or so, you realized the heater isn’t working. Frustrated right? You might not know what exactly has happened to your heater! But the answer to this question is covered in the following blog.
First, let us know more about the car’s cooling system. It comprises a radiator, water pump, freeze plugs, heater core, thermostat, hoses, electric cooling fan, and a fan clutch. In case any of these are not working it will cause a lot of trouble for you and your car.
Failing of the heater might be also caused due to the damaged heater core. The heater is an element of the cooling system that performs like a radiator and takes away the heat from the hot engine coolant all the way through the hose and allows heat to pass into the cabins. Thus, it is important to take notice when your heater core gets worn out.
This is the reason, car inspection in Brampton is mandatory in order to eliminate any damage to the car. We have here mentioned some of the major symptoms of a damaged heater core, which you can look for before it gets fully worn out.
A Sweet Smell starts
If the heater core of your car has been damaged, then you might observe a smell that occurs from the vents of the car. This is the smell of the radiator fluid which signifies that something is not right with it and thus it omits the smell. Not only inside of the car, but you can also experience this pungent smell outside your car. In case you experience smell on the outer surface of your car, then you must check under the car, that how much amount of fluid has leaked already.
Foggy Windows
This might be very common in the winter mornings but, you definitely need to take care of this sign. An unexpected collection of moisture and fog on the windows inside the car is a major symbol of a damaged heater core. Here we are not talking about a little mist or moisture around the windshield edges, whereas, we are talking about a complete fog that has covered the window from inside due to the non-functioning of the heater core.
Blows cold air instead of hot air
If there is any hole in the heater core, the hot air may get disperse before it reaches the end of the heater ducts. According to the size of the hole, you might experience warm, or cold air coming to you through the heater.
The engine is hot but the cabin is cold
We all know that overheating is one of the major issues that your car faces. There are high chances that all the components of the car will be damaged if there is a lot of heat. It is necessary for the engine to have a full amount of coolant in order to prevent overheating of the car. Therefore, a leaking heater core might cause engine overheating. Experiencing an engine overheating with a cold cabin is surely a major sign that the heater core of your car is prone to be damaged.
Car is consuming more coolant than usual
In case you notice that your car is consuming more coolant than it usually consumed then it is a sign that your heater core is facing serious issues. Check for any leakage in under the passenger seat if you can’t find the leakage easily as there might be a leakage in the cabin when the car is cold.
The heater core is one of the element of the vehicle which requires minimum maintenance but, it should also be checked on a regular basis as it includes high-cost repairing. It is always suggested to maintain your car regularly so that in case of any damage in your car it is fixed in time. Choosing professional help is a great move as they offer great services at minimum cost just like car repair services in Brampton.
Uber and Lyft Safety

4 Major Power Steering problems and their solutions

Our vehicles are made with a variety of components and all of them work hand-in-hand to provide us with the perfect ride. If any of the components start working abruptly, all the other components are affected too. One of the major components of a car is the steering system.


Any difficulty in the power steering can give rise to a number of troubles for the driver to rotate the wheels in the direction in which he is going. Not only this; irregular maintenance of the car can affect you and your car in different ways. This is why it is mandatory to induce car safety inspection in Brampton to eliminate any kind of risk that can affect your car.
Power steering is one of the key mechanisms of the car, which can get affected by multiple problems which leads to dangerous situations. To help you out, here we have mentioned some of the major problems that your power steering can face and how you can deal with those problems.

Let's discuss the problems first:

Damage of steering belts:

The power steering belts also known as serpentine belts are moved with the help of pulleys. Over a period of time, these pulleys get damaged or can wear out. When the pulleys don’t spin, it can cause damage in the belt which will provide difficulty in turning the wheels.

Low levels of power steering fluids:

The common trouble that most of the power steering deals with is the loss of fluids. If there is a loss in the fluid levels, the pressure of the fluid also becomes low and affects the working of the power steering as it will be disturbed and the driver might find it difficult to turn the steering easily. It is quite easy to spot the low level of fluid in the steering system, as you will notice jerks while you turn the steering.

Blockage in the system:

Blockage or clogs are the most difficult steering problems that can happen to cars. It can be caused due to dirty steering fluid which can block the flow of the fluids. The best way to remove the blockage is to flush the system.

Power steering pump failure The power steering system also carries several sensitive gears that are likely to get fail or wear out after a period of time. In case this happens, you will notice that the steering wheels would not work properly or might get slow and tight.

How to Deal with the Power steering issues:

Power steering problems generally take place gradually and before it completely fails the system, you must ensure to look out for any unusual thing which disturbs you while rotating the wheels. Let us discuss how you can deal with the steering issues.

You should have a good engine belt:

If the engine belt is broken or gets worn out, then it would cause the power steering to fail. Therefore, you need to have a good engine belt, in order to prevent the failure of the power steering of the car.

Clear the blocked passage of the system:

If the passage of the power steering systems gets blocked you need to clear it as it can cause trouble to the steering mechanism. Although chokes are quite difficult to identify as there is no such way to measure the pressure inside the power steering system through which the fluid passes. In case you are facing any difficulty in whirling the steering then, it is always advised to flush the system.


Maintaining your car on a regular basis is very important. Looking out for any damage or wear and tear will increase your car’s life span. A power steering system is one of the most important parts of your car that needs to checked and repaired in case of any damage. With the above-mentioned problems hope you can diagnose any trouble that your car might be facing. It is always a great move to consult the professionals in case, you are totally unfamiliar with any damage to your car. Harrad Auto Services offers the best and effective car repair services in Brampton and that too at cost-effective prices.