maintain your vehicle

Why it is so important to maintain your vehicle?

As COVID-19 has hit the world with massive destruction people owning vehicles are also facing various problems. Although we are trying to accept the ‘New Normal’ that demands every individual to stay inside the homes, wear masks, and maintain social distancing. But, there are various other factors that are being affected directly or indirectly.
Remaining house-bound is also affecting our vehicles. People are getting back to their normal routines which are helping their vehicles to no longer stay parked at home. However, there are a huge number of vehicles that are still standing in the garage unused.
As most of our vehicles are spending more time on the driveway than on the roads, there are more risks that can affect the car and may require auto repair services quite often. So, if you have car parked insurance, then in most cases your car will remain covered. Well, this house-bound has also affected us in a good way as we have ample full of time to maintain the vehicles.
But before discussing the maintenance tips let us know the importance of car maintenance :
Importance of car maintenance 
We know that you have contributed a huge amount to buy the vehicle; so not maintaining it can lead to a complete loss of the vehicle which is more likely to worn out if they are kept unused. The damages can vary accordingly, there could be damage in the brake system or there might be a need for an oil change if the vehicle is kept untouched for a longer duration. Thus, in order to eliminate huge costs on repairing or replacing the vehicle’s components, it is always better to maintain the vehicle timely.
Tips to maintain your vehicle timely:
Give it a start once a week at least We know you are stuck inside our homes and cannot plan a long route journey. But you can ignite your engine at least once a week so that it doesn’t get damaged fully. Starting your vehicle
will help the engine to stay active and even if you are not allowed to take your car for a ride, the engine will still run smoothly.
Safeguard the battery
As mentioned above, starting the engine once a week will boost the working process of the engine as well as it will also uplift the battery’s performance. A car’s battery gets charged when the engine is ignited and when you start the car, not only the engine or the battery but the other components of the car also works properly.
Look out for the electrical connections or wires
If your car is standing in the garage for a long time now, then there is a high possibility that the electrical wires might have been attacked by rodents present in the garage. If this happens, then there would be a fluid leak or electrical connections that might not work when started. To check for any electrical damage, you just need to open the hood and check thoroughly for any damage. Also, you can place naphthalene balls to restrict the entry of rodents.
Oil Change
An oil change is one of the most important factors to look for if your car isn’t in action for long. As the vehicle was not in action for long, there is a high degree possibility that dirt or sludge can get corrode and damage the engine. So it is always advisable to keep changing the oil and also check for its levels frequently.
Keep a check on the brake pads
Brake pads are more likely to get rusted if the car is standing idly in your home. If the car is standing at an open place then it is more likely to attract dust, dirt, and filth. This can further cause trouble to you while you are trying to apply the brakes. In case there is dirt in the brake pads you will also hear some grinding sound, by which you can estimate that there is a need to change the brake pads.
Look out for the fuel pump
When the car is not on use for a long time, the fuel pump is more likely to break down. Because fluids in the car only flow when the engine is running, thus, if the car is not been used for a long period, then there are chances that the fluid pump might have been damaged. Therefore, you must lookout for any damage that might have caused the fuel pump.
It is suggested to keep your vehicle in a good shape even during these tough times which is lead by the COVID-19. Maintaining the vehicle will help in increasing the vehicles’ durability. You can follow the tips mentioned above to ensure that even at the time when your car is standing, it is free from any damage. It is always a wise move to seek guidance from professionals just like Harrad Auto Services in Brampton, who provides world-class auto repair services.