Automotive advancements

Top 4 automotive advancements to look forward

Ever since the first car was invented, automotive technology has forge way ahead than one could ever think of. The world of the automotive industry is constantly emerging be it the safety features, entertainment ones, or the driving features, everything is getting advanced day by day. Whether you want to buy a new car or want to exchange am old one, you must be familiar with the advancements that take place in the automotive industries.

With the rise of advancements in the vehicles, the visits to the service stations have been reduced, but even then to increase the life span of the vehicle you must take your vehicle to the best auto repair services in Brampton which offers the quality of work in minimal cost.

In keeping you updated about all the advancements breeding in the automotive industry, we have listed below some major technologies that you must look forward to in the coming years.

Autonomous Vehicle

Pay heed to the title here, we have not mentioned about the technology of being fully automated. A fully autonomous vehicle means a car being droved without any driver or any human intervention which is still under progress to be fully achieved. This technology hasn’t been hit till now, but surely in the coming years, we will experience this advancement in our cars and will be enjoying the ride of the Autonomous vehicle.

Connected Apps

We all know how smartphones have evolved in recent years, making our lives much easier. Everything around us is being connected to our mobile apps, whether it is our doorbell or the camera placed at our home, we have all the access connected with our smartphones. Similarly, the automotive industry has also changed the way of our living as now our car features are connected with our mobile devices and apps. In the coming years look for the apps that have features like locking or unlocking the car from a distance, checking gas status, or tire pressure while buying a new car. But before choosing the app, you must go through the subscription policy of the app, that whether the subscription is free or paid, and if paid what is the duration of the plan they are offering.

Biometric access

Just like the biometric technology we are using in our cell phones, soon we will also be using the biometric features in the cars and other vehicles. We have already seen a change in recent years from going keyless to automatic start of the vehicle. And Biometric access is not something that can astonish us much in the automotive industry.

Adaptive cruise control

This technology allows you to match the speed of your car with the speed of the car going ahead of you. This helps you to not hit the brakes constantly while the car in front changes its speed. This technology also has some cons, as giving this much control to the car can affect us in many ways.


So far we have seen a rapid change in the automotive industry which is benefiting and making our lives much easier. With all these above-mentioned advancements, the world of the automotive industry is gradually pacing and providing a better living to all of us.