Power Steering wheels

Major Reasons of steering wheels not turning smoothly

The steering system of any vehicle is one of the most important components, without which the vehicle moves only in a straight direction. Various problems are concerned with the steering system that a driver may face while driving. One of the biggest problems is; when it becomes hard to turn the steering wheel, especially when the vehicle is at low speed. This problem can put you at high risk and can affect the vehicle also.

The steering system is built up of variant parts, each of which serves a specific purpose. Any damage to any of the components can cause difficulty to the driver and can also risk the life of the driver as well as the members riding the vehicle. Therefore, it is important to understand the major causes behind the steering wheels’ stiffness and how it can be fixed. Delayed service or lack of maintenance are some major causes of the steering wheel not able to move swiftly. This is why most of the car repair services in Brampton suggest regular maintenance of the car and other components of the vehicle.

To help you understand the reasons for the stiff steering wheel, we have mentioned some major causes for the same. Also, we have listed below some of the major tips to fix the issue.

Let’s discuss step causes first:

Leakage in steering fluid

The steering fluid helps in the proper functioning of the steering system. Thus, it will get very difficult to work properly if there is any leakage in the steering fluid. The leakage usually takes place when the pressurized hose area gets loosened or develops a leak. Due to an insufficient amount of lubrication in the steering system, it becomes difficult for the steering wheel to function smoothly, therefore the steering it gets quite difficult for the driver to turn the steering wheels in such a situation.

Thick Steering fluid

Lubrication in the steering system is very important as it helps in the easy working of all the other components. With time, the fluid is obvious to collect dirt and debris, which causes the fluid to become thick. This tricked fluid further causes problems such as restricting the flow of the fluid while turning the vehicle swirly and easily.

Adverse/ Worsen steering rack

The steering rack is adjoined to the wheel through a set of shafts and U-joints. Due to everyday driving, the shafts and the U-joints tend to get worsen and the steering wheel gets damaged. In case you experience stiff steering right after you start the car, then this is a sign that there is a problem with the steering rack. The steering wheel will work freely, once you keep driving, as the rack gets hotter as the engine ignites and allows the lubricant to get settled. You must ensure to replace the steering rack before it gets more damaged.

Failure of the steering pump

The working of the power steering pump is very important as it produces the amount of pressure that helps the steering wheel to work smoothly and swiftly. In case, the pump stop working, then this will become very difficult for the vehicle to turn especially at a slow speed because eventually speed gets reduced while turning the vehicles.

Let us now discuss how to fix these issues related to the steering wheel not working smoothly:

Check for the fluid levels:

This is suggested because the inadequate amount of the fluid makes it difficult for the steering components to freely work without causing any issue. This further results in the stiffness of the steering wheel and thus it becomes hard to easily move the steering.

Check the steering pump properly:

It is always advised to inspect the steering pump properly, if you find any damage, then you must ensure to repair or replace it on time before it worsens and causes risk while you drive the vehicle.


No matter what, once in your driving journey, you might experience this situation, where it becomes very hard for you to turn the steering wheels especially at a slow speed. This is why it is always a better move to keep a regular check on all the components of your vehicle so that the situation doesn’t get worst. Also, major damages include huge costs, so to prevent it is always good to take your vehicle for the best auto repair services in Brampton just like Harrad Auto Services.